Monday, May 28, 2012

Around Seattle: Washington Park Arboretum

Today I went to the arboretum! It was my first time there and to be honest, I hadn't heard of it until yesterday. So I got there in the early afternoon, just after I finished up at church, and I found out they had a free tour around the entire garden, and it started in just a few minutes!! I was thrilled. The tour lasted an hour and a half and was very informative, also I got to talking with another lady on the tour who gave me lots of ideas and advice about Seattle and the States! I love meeting new interesting people! This park was really great and I am so glad that I discovered it! :) Seattle has new things for me everyday.

This tree is so unusual - it looks normal from the outside, but when you look up into the leaves it is all coiled like a snake, or a nest

Can you see it in this picture? looking all coiled and nest-like? Such an interesting tree!

This plant's leaves are so soft it has a reputation of being traveller's toilet paper

Fancy that, they have a NZ section of the garden!

Some flax and different grasses

All the plants were from the Southern Alps of NZ, pretty cool!

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