Monday, August 27, 2012

Work Stories

Doing what I do, being with the kids all day long, I certainly accrue some awesome work stories!
I had a particularly good story the other week and I thought I would share it with you all.

So I had taken my three little kids to a giant children's wading pool at Greenlake. It was fabulous, they were in their bathing suits, splashing around and playing. We would walk around the wading pool and 'explore'. There were also lots of children and families around to become 'park friends' with!

I had sat down on the edge of the wading pool and was playing with my young girl, Alexiane. Meanwhile, I had let Kianna and Tristan go to play a little bit further away from me, just so long as they could see me and I could keep track of them. So Alexiane and I were having a good time, and we were walking through the wading pool towards where Tristan and Kianna were playing, when suddenly I see Kianna standing out of the wading pool, on the grassy edge of it, bathing suit and swim diaper around her ankles, bent over.... doing a poo!!! On the grass!! In front of dozens of children and picnicking families! I grabbed Alexiane's hand and we raced over there to find Kianna and Tristan looking at the poo observing the flies landing on it. I think the funniest thing was that I was not fazed by any of this. I just wanted to get Kianna to the toilet to clean her up a bit, but I had to congratulate her for trying to do the right thing, just in the wrong place.

A picnicking family nearby called out to me and (just to make it even worse) said "Just to let you know, she has been touching it" hahaha!! I thanked them for telling me, and they were kind enough to provide me with a plastic bag to place the, ahem, poo in. Tristan then ran at me crying "I want to put it in the rubbish! I want to put it in the rubbish!" The hilarity of the entire situation was just beyond description. I shooed him away, deposited the bag in the trash, put Kianna's bathing suit back on her and took all three of them back through the wading pool towards the toilet. I cleaned her up and we went back to playing in the wading pool. Really it was not a big incident, but the amusement of all of it will live forever, making me smile, and giving me pretty much the best work story ever! :)

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