Tuesday, April 30, 2013

My Second Birthday Abroad!

Well well well, another year has passed and once again it is my birthday!! I turned the ripe old age of 24. I was out of Seattle on my actual birthday, I was in Whistler, Canada with my host family, so my au pair friends and I celebrated the weekend before. We went to all our favourite dessert places and loaded up on sugar! We ended up sitting in Starbucks at midnight talking about kids. Ahhh the life of an au pair!

On my actual birthday I was just with my host family, and oohhhh did they spoil me! I felt so special, they gave me very thoughtful presents, and the whole day felt magical. The kids were really great, the sun was shining, it was beautiful and warm in the mountain village of Whistler. The kids and I went around the village and had gelato as a special treat! Later that evening another Seattle family joined us and we had a big meal and three birthday cakes (one was healthy - a watermelon cut into the shape of a cake, covered in whipped coconut cream and adorned with fruit and almonds).

We all sat down and my host mum had organised a game for us to play - Pictionary, except all the words related to me and my life! They were: happy, airplane ticket, Africa, car, travelling, walking, no sleep.
The 'no sleep' one made me laugh - my host parents always go to bed early and are always amazed at how I can stay up so late! haha. The 'Africa' one is a little hint at what lies in store for me after my au pair year, I'll fill you in soon :)

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