Thursday, July 28, 2011

It Begins...

Two months ago I had never imagined that I would be preparing to go to America for 12 months as an au pair. I was a newly qualified teacher and had just finished doing an Honours course. I was very content in my work as a drama teacher, and as a teacher aide working with special needs children. I was also applying for full-time classroom teaching positions beginning later in the year to work towards my full teaching registration. I had an overseas trip planned to Malaysia so I didn't even have 'itchy feet' to want to travel. But, it seemed that God had other ideas for me!

It all started one day when I was asked to be the guest speaker at a youth workshop on public speaking. The workshop was in Parnell, and since I had arrived in Parnell early, I decided to have a drive around the area. As I was driving, I passed the office of Au Pair Link New Zealand. I didn't think anything of it really, apart from thinking that they had a cool logo.

Life went on, and it was wonderful. At the time, I was really excited as I had just had an epiphany of a new ambition for my career. I no longer wanted to become a standard classroom teacher, instead I wanted to take my one-on-one work with children, in particular special needs children, even further and carve out a niche as a Freelance Education Specialist. Just the thought of it was exhilarating, and I began to research my developing ideas online, seeing if there were others in New Zealand (or internationally) who had done this themselves. I took a look at various job listing websites, not to apply for anything (I knew I didn't have the skills or experience - Yet), but just to see if anything like this existed.

It was on one of these job sites that I came across Au Pair Link New Zealand again. I was immediately drawn to the American Au Pair program, my mind raced as I considered how this experience could add to my dream of becoming a freelance education specialist. How wonderful would it be if I could work with special needs children at home, as their live-in nanny. What an experience to work alongside their families, understand their struggles and pour love and time into their children.

I was also attracted by the study aspect - as part of the program I would undertake 6 credit hours of study in an American college/community college. This was very exciting to me as so many of the Educational theorists I loved to read were American, to think that I could be able to learn from them, possibly in person!

I had a lot of exciting questions brewing, but wasn't about to jump on the bandwaggon without deep consideration and prayer. I didn't even know if working with special needs children in the au pair program was possible. It was a big decision, and it would mean my plans for getting my teaching registration would be on hold for a year. My interest was piqued enough to inquire about the program, so I sent a short email to Au Pair Link. I asked if they worked with special needs children, and outlined what I was interested in studying. I got a positive response back and suddenly it dawned on me that this could end up happening!

And so it all began...

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