Friday, August 12, 2011

Swimming in The Matching Pool

So now I am all good to go, I have finished all the application forms, all my referees have been contacted and all ok! It's a good place to be now because it means that I don't have anything on my mind, I can just relax and think about work and wait for things to be emailed to me!

As each day passes, the more excited I get thinking about where I might end up! I would love to know so I could tell my whanau and friends: I tell them I'm going to the States and the second question they ask is "Whereabouts in the States??" and I have to stammer and stutter and say it's a long story. Haha.

Since I have already completed a degree, I am just trying to find out if I can do post-grad courses instead of just undergraduate ones. It doesn't really matter if I end up doing undergraduates, but hey, might as well try and do post-grad if I can! I have a couple of American friends who are in college so will ask them.

I am trying to convince my best friend to come and meet me over in the States for the holiday part at the end of my time with the family! She's pretty keen, but she's a student so doesn't really have any money. At least she'll have heaps of time to save! Fingers crossed!

Will post again when I hear from some families!

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