Friday, June 8, 2012

The Skies of Switzerland

We have had some interesting weather lately, and amazing skies! The other night was particularly neat as we were able to stand outside on the lawn and literally watch a storm come across Lake Geneva and build and build until it hit us! It was fascinating to watch!! Then, tonight out my bedroom window was the most beautiful sunset. And through it all I was just so grateful to be where I am, and just thanking the Lord and enjoying every second of it.

It was quite funny actually, I was asking my host mother some advise about what places to see and what can be missed, and she commented that I tend to run around and tick everything off without fully experiencing it, and I have to agree with her, I do like to run around and see everything there is to see (and often all in one day as well), but I have to say, that is how I love to travel! I love the feeling that I made the absolute most out of my time. There is something about travelling "quickly" and packing everything in that gives me a sense of accomplishment and a sense of rejuvenation - I love to reflect later on and think about how nicely timed things ended up being. But my rule is always to not plan anything apart from the main location - drop me in a city and I feel my way around rather than following a prescribed list. So, yes my travel style might be running and ticking, but there is so much more to it than that, and I wouldn't have it any other way :)

There's a storm brewing!

My favourite photo! the sky looked so textured with the added shadow of the clouds!

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