Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My American Birthday!

On April the 23rd I turned 23 years old! It was very exciting to have my birthday here in the States, and my host family and my friends here made it so special for me! It was also very cool because I got so many happy birthday messages on the 22nd as it was the 23rd in NZ time, so really it felt like I had 2 days of birthdays!

In the morning I was able to open presents from my mum and my best friends in NZ since they had posted them to me earlier in the month, that was so cool, they sent me a whole range of special treats from NZ and Australia. Then I got a phonecall from my mum which was so unexpected since it was 1.30am their time! Later, my host family laid the table out specially and we all sat down and ate breakfast together (we don't normally sit down as a family for breakfast) and I sang the Lord's Prayer in Maori which was very special to me. Then my host family presented me with lots of little gifts and a massive cake shaped like a palace which the two older boys had created for me! It was so amazing!

In the middle of the day I had some time off so I went to a park called Volunteer park, and it was so beautiful and sunny, it was so enjoyable. I had my lunch there and had a lovely walk around. In the afternoon, I took the kids to the park, Vanessa my host mum made my favourite meal for dinner - rice, creamy brandy chicken and peas - so delish! After dinner I met up with some friends at a cafe and we ate cheesecake, which is always a "must" when it's my birthday - I love cheesecake!


Wayne Anderson Tshirt complements of Nancy, Pounamu complements of Concord; thanks guys! (and baby Tristan)

Large historic homes beside the park

So big and established!

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