Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Puyallup Fair Roadtrip!

Last week on a beautiful sunny Saturday I took the two older boys to the Puyallup Spring fair, around 1 hour from where I live. We drove off into the scorching midday sun in the traffic to get to the fair, and on the way encountered some of the best views of Mt Rainier I have ever seen, that mountain has always been hiding from me, but not any more it seems! I got the boys to take a picture but I haven't copied it from their camera yet. Here are the pictures I took. The fair was excellent, it was just as they describe it in the movies. Bustling, fun, lively. The people working there really seemed enthusiastic, and all the people were really getting into the spirit of things, it felt so different to the NZ fairs where everything is just laid out and you are kind of left to make your own fun and excitement, and the NZers are so relaxed and laid back that it just never really gets all that exciting. We watched dancing horses, livestock competitions, camel rides (yes, camels!), unusual foods (deep fried butter, anyone?), piglet racing, vintage cars, a lumberjack competition and so much more. We did it all - went on rides, did the sideshows, ate the famous "elephant ears" (kind of like a dough pancake with cinnamon and sugar on top). We even bought tickets to the Slamfest demolition derby held at an arena right in the middle of the fair! It was the first demolition derby I have been to and I absolutely loved every second of it! I was amazed also because the entire area was packed with people, right to the very top! We left the fair at 9.30pm after the most amazing afternoon ever!

About to enter the Haunted Mansion! The boys are obviously terrified.

This is my dream car. No, not the bicycle.

Luca having a simulated run in a Nascar!


Piglet racing, so strange but so cute!

A bit of an accident (he's alright, folks! haha)

The lumberjacks were incredible, standing on that tiny board wedged in the tree trunk hacking the top of the pole with their axe!

Lumberjack Adam and the boys

Sideshow carnival games

Elephant ears!

Look at the massive crowd for the Slamfest demolition derby

The boys with their elephant ears

Smoke, explosions, fire: this show had it all!

Smash! Crash!

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